In the world of renewable energy, solar power has emerged as a proven solution to combat climate change. However, for solar installers and entrepreneurs, securing the necessary funds to kick-start projects can be a significant challenge. Join SunHire and their innovative Bridging Finance Program, a game-changing solution empowering solar entrepreneurs to bridge the deposit gap and accelerate the adoption of solar energy.
The Challenge Faced by Solar Entrepreneurs
Solar entrepreneurs face a common hurdle when it comes to initiating solar projects—the upfront deposit required to commence installation. This financial requirement often becomes a barrier, preventing many talented individuals and companies from entering the solar market. Recognizing this challenge, SunHire has devised a unique Bridging Finance Program to address the specific needs of solar installers, providing them with the necessary financial support to kick-start their projects.
What is SunHire’s Bridging Finance Program?
SunHire’s Bridging Finance Program offers solar entrepreneurs a lifeline by bridging the gap between project commencement and the availability of other sources of funding. This program allows solar installers to secure the initial deposit required for their projects, empowering them to take on installations that are more significant and expand their businesses. With innovative funding models and competitive rates, SunHire ensures that solar entrepreneurs can access the funds they need without unnecessary financial strain.
Benefits for Solar Entrepreneurs
Opportunity for Growth: By providing the deposit upfront, SunHire’s Bridging Finance Program enables solar entrepreneurs to take on larger projects and grow their businesses more rapidly.
Enhanced Cash Flow: Instead of tying up their own capital, solar installers can conserve cash flow by leveraging SunHire’s financing, allowing them to invest in other areas critical to their business operations.
Increased Competitiveness: With the financial backing of SunHire, solar entrepreneurs can confidently bid on projects, knowing they have the necessary funds available to secure contracts and initiate installations promptly.
Accelerated Project Timelines: By removing the hurdle of securing initial funds, the Bridging Finance Program expedites project timelines, allowing solar entrepreneurs to complete installations more efficiently and satisfy customer demands.
Improved Profit Margins: With SunHire’s competitive rates and flexible repayment options, solar entrepreneurs can protect their profit margins and ensure the long-term financial sustainability of their projects.
Offer clients Finance Options: Solar installers can now be rest assured that when they offer their clients a financing option through SunHire, they will be able to fund the project in advance. Clients rarely have the financial means to pay significant deposit amounts upfront when they need their solar project to be financed. By partnering with SunHire and utilizing their Bridging Finance Program, solar installers can provide their clients with a viable financing solution that eliminates the need for hefty upfront deposits. This not only increases the accessibility of solar installations for clients but also enhances the overall value proposition of solar installers, making them a more attractive choice for customers seeking affordable and convenient financing options.
SunHire’s Bridging Finance Program is a catalyst for solar entrepreneurs, empowering them to overcome financial barriers and unlock their full potential in the renewable energy industry. By providing the necessary funds to bridge the deposit gap, SunHire is fostering the growth of solar installations, accelerating the adoption of solar energy, and ultimately building a more sustainable future. 10:10:502023-06-28 10:17:48Empowering Solar Entrepreneurs: SunHire’s Bridging Finance Program
The sun provides enough energy in one hour to meet the energy needs of the whole earth for one year! By installing solar panels we’re able to harness a fraction of that energy to power up our houses and businesses and it already makes a significant difference in the earth’s health status. Although global warming is one of the biggest and most underrated concerns on our planet, lessening the impact of air pollution is not the only benefit solar power has to offer. It is not without downsides either…
Previously criticized as being costly and ineffective, more and more households and businesses have started to fully rely on solar energy as their main source of electricity as technology and knowledge improves. SunHire has done some investigation on the pros and cons of solar systems.
Solar panels on the roof. (Solar cell)
There are always downsides no matter the energy source you choose to analyse. SunHire has highlighted the main advantages and disadvantages of solar power in the following points:
Advantages of Solar Energy
Disadvantages of Solar Energy
High initial setup cost
Technology Development
Needs space
Reduced electricity cost
Production associated with pollution
Low maintenance costs
Weather dependent
Not dependent on grid
Solar Energy Storage is Expensive
Diverse application
Tax deductible by a business through SunHire
Advantages of Solar Energy
Renewable Energy Source
Of all the many benefits of solar electricity, the most important factor is that solar energy is totally renewable. It is available every day (permitting it’s a sunny one) and can be harnessed across the globe. Unlike some other energy sources, solar power cannot run out…at least not in our lifetime, or our grand-grand-grand children’s children’s lifetime! According to the guys with thick glasses and long white coats, the Sun will still exist for at least 5 billion years. Therefore, running out of sunlight is not a problem we will have to worry about for many generations to come.
Technology Development
Solar power technology advances constantly and will improve even more in the future. Effectiveness of solar power systems can potentially increase with innovations in quantum physics and nanotechnology and double, or even triple, the electrical input of the solar energy. Who knows, hopefully one day we will be able to harness more than just a fraction of the Sun’s energy and get rid of mainstream energy sources altogether before they become depleted.
Reduces Electricity Bills
There will be a significant decrease in electricity costs, whether you’re totally off the grid or just skimming off the top with a hybrid solar system. How much you save on your electricity bill depends on the size of the solar system and your electricity usage. For example, if you are a business using commercial solar panels this switch can have huge benefits, because the system size can cover large chunks of your energy bills. We can think of a thousand other things that you can spend your hard earned money on rather than on electricity!
Low Maintenance Costs
Solar energy systems generally don’t require a lot of maintenance. You only need to keep them relatively clean, so cleaning them a couple of times per year will do the job. Also, as there are no moving parts, there is no wear and tear. The inverter is usually the only part that needs to be changed after 5-10 years because it is continuously working to convert solar energy into electricity. Apart from the inverter, the cables also need maintenance to ensure your solar power system runs at maximum efficiency. So, after covering the initial cost of the solar system, you can expect very little spending on maintenance and repair work.
Not dependent on the grid
Being ‘off the grid’ or partially with a hybrid system not only means that you will save money on your electricity bill, but you will not have to depend on the national electricity supplier, our trusty friend, Eskom. Load shedding, a proudly South African initiative, is a very foreign term to the rest of the World, but remains one of the most talked about issues in the country for more than a decade. By installing a solar panel for your home or business’ electricity supply, you will not be left in the dark when loadshedding is implemented nor do you need to worry about the increase in electricity tariffs that are out of our control as consumers…and totally out of control in general!
Diverse Applications
Solar energy is very diverse in application. Solar systems can be used to produce electricity in areas without access to the energy grid, to distil water in regions with limited clean water supplies and to power satellites in space. Solar energy can also be integrated into the materials used for buildings. Not long ago Sharp introduced transparent solar energy windows.
Tax deductible for a business through SunHire
If you’re tax savvy you will know that renting to own options on business assets are tax deductible. Therefore, through SunHire only, you will be able to not only afford to save electricity on a monthly basis, but claim the whole asset amount back! Fill in our business application form and switch to solar today!
Disadvantages of Solar Energy
The initial cost of purchasing a solar system is fairly high. This includes paying for solar panels, inverter, batteries, wiring, and the installation. Through SunHire’s groundbreaking rent to own option, owning your very own solar system is now absolutely within reach. We believe that everyone deserves a place under the sun and we can make that possible! Click here to see how you can benefit from our rent-to-own option on solar system
Solar systems are dependent on sunlight to effectively generate solar energy. Although solar energy can still be collected during cloudy and rainy days, the efficiency of the solar system drops. Therefore, a few cloudy, rainy days can have a noticeable effect on the energy system. You should also take into account that solar energy cannot be collected during the night. In South Africa, this is not a train smash for solar system owners, because unlike places like Europe or England our sunny days dominate the cloudy ones by far, even in winter. If there is a perfect continent for solar systems, Africa will be it!
Solar Energy Storage Is Expensive
Solar energy has to be used right away, or it can be stored in large batteries. These batteries, used in off-the-grid solar systems, can be charged during the day so that the energy is used at night. This is a good solution for using solar energy all day long but it is also quite expensive.
In most cases, it is smarter to just use solar energy during the day and take energy from the grid during the night (you can only do this if your system is connected to the grid). Luckily your energy demand is usually higher during the day so you can meet most of it with solar energy. But if your goal is getting off the grid totally, these batteries are included in our rent-to-own option through various trusted installers. Click here to see out list of high quality, approved installers.
Uses a Lot of Space
The more electricity you want to produce, the more solar panels you will need, as you want to collect as much sunlight as possible. Solar PV panels require a lot of space and some roofs are not big enough to fit the number of solar panels that you would like to have. An alternative is to install some of the panels in your yard but they need to have access to sunlight. If you don’t have the space for all the panels that you wanted, you can opt for installing fewer to still satisfy some of your energy needs. Click here to fill in the application form for a solar system on your own home’s roof today.
Associated with Pollution
Although pollution related to solar energy systems is far less compared to other sources of energy, solar energy can be associated with pollution. Transportation and installation of solar systems have been associated with the emission of greenhouse gases.
There are also some toxic materials and hazardous products used during the manufacturing process of solar photovoltaic systems, which can indirectly affect the environment. Nevertheless, solar energy pollutes far less than other alternative energy sources.
Switch to Solar Today!
There are pros and cons to solar energy, but if this article has sparked your interest, you can check out our rent-to-own guide that will help you finance your very own solar system. You do not have to break the bank in order to harness the power of the sun! 08:31:282022-04-04 08:34:10Pros and Cons of Solar Energy
We’re over the moon to be introducing our newest product line, Moonhire!
Now you can power up your house with moon shine! We’re offering the full moon package at an eclipsed price today only! Don’t miss this tre-moon-dous opportunity. You’d be a lunar-tick to pass on this, because it only comes around once in a blue moon!
Oh boy, we really hope you weren’t too excited for this package, because if you were, you’re one of many victims to have fallen for our April Fool’s Day prank! Sorry!
If you are, however, interested in powering up your home or business with solar technology, it is certainly possible! With our innovative rent-to-own solar system package, you too can afford to harvest the power of the sun without breaking the bank. If you’re a good sport though, you’ll continue to share our lunatic ad to your friends for a little laugh. 08:21:532022-04-01 08:27:14Lunar Panels by Moonhire at half price!
Sustainable energy is a buzz word that has been around for a while, but with the combination of growing technology and increased environmental awareness, it is now more relevant than ever. Harnessing the power of the sun through solar energy has become a very popular method of powering up our households and businesses. Whether it is to help make a difference in our environments or our pockets, solar power is here to stay. It is only natural to wonder how solar power works.
To know how solar panels work there are some words and terms to get familiar with:
The Grid is the electricity supplied nationally by Municipalities in South Africa and by various utility companies elsewhere.
Kilowatt (kW) is a unit of power. 1,000 watt (W) equals 1 kilowatt (kW)
Kilowatt hour (kWh) is a unit of energy. It is the number of kWs used per hour – stated in other words, it is the amount of energy used to keep a 1,000 W appliance running for an hour. For example, a 100 W light bulb would use 1 kWh in 10 hours; a 2,000 W appliance would use 1 kWh in half an hour; a 50 W item would use 1 kWh in 20 hours.
Renewable energy comes from sources that cannot run out (such as the sun) or can be easily replaced (such as new vegetation being planted). Renewable energy is carbon neutral and does not produce carbon compounds and greenhouse gases when consumed. Renewable energy does not pollute the environment: it causes no air, land or water pollution.
A grid-interactive PV system is still connected to the national grid, although it draws clean energy from solar panels. This system can feed clean energy directly into the grid, lowering your dependence on the grid and decreasing your electricity bill. It also charges solar batteries for use during power failures.
Deep-cycle batteries store energy from the sun for use when the sun is not shining. They are called “deep cycle” because they can survive long periods of being repeatedly and deeply discharged to almost their entire capacity.
Photovoltaics (PV) is the conversion of light into electricity using semiconducting materials that exhibit the photovoltaic effect, a phenomenon studied in physics, photochemistry, and electrochemistry. The photovoltaic effect is commercially utilized for electricity generation and as photo sensors.
Semiconductors are materials which have a conductivity between conductors (generally metals) and nonconductors or insulators (such as most ceramics). Semiconductors can be pure elements, such as silicon or germanium, or compounds such as gallium arsenide or cadmium selenide.
Direct current (DC) is one-directional flow of electric charge. An electrochemical cell is a prime example of DC power.
Alternating current (AC) is an electric current which periodically reverses direction and changes its magnitude continuously with time in contrast to direct current (DC) which flows only in one direction.
Sunlight is converted into electricity through the photovoltaic (PV) effect. These solar cells are struck by sunlight on the semiconductor material, electrons are released and an electric current is generated. Several solar cells are connected to form a PV or solar panel. The more solar panels are connected, the higher the electricity output. Direct current (DC) electricity is produced by solar panels, rather than alternating current (AC) electricity. An inverter needs to be connected to these solar panels in order to change the current from DC to AC electricity which renders it useable on the grid. Solar panels are responsible for clean energy and can be used to replace or augment the national grid power or even generators. The diagram below explains how the UV light from the sun are converted into energy to create electricity to power up household appliances:
Contributes to a healthier, more sustainable environment.
Not being dependent on the national grid, means that you do not experience power outages like your ‘on the grid’ neighbours.
Increases the value of a property.
The high initial cost of setting up a solar panel is a deal breaker for most household owners. And this is exactly where SunHire comes in to save the day! With SunHire’s asset finance program you can rent to own your own unit.
Follow the link to see HOW IT WORKS and how you can harness the power of the sun without breaking the bank. 09:11:062022-01-17 09:15:55HOW DOES A SOLAR PANEL WORK?
What is a Sunday without the Grand Prix, or a biltong platter without the rugby game blaring from the braai room TV? What if you couldn’t see that legendary Bafana Bafana goal live on SuperSport? It sounds pretty bleak, right? It also sounds a little familiar. Two very South African words might pop into your mind. Eskom and load shedding. But don’t let your blood pressure get the better of you just yet… SunHire will lighten up your day with a ground-breaking concept that will literally change the game!
Day walkers
With the increased strain on electricity supply in South Africa, load shedding is bound to make a comeback year after year. Even when Andre de Ruyter publicly announces that load shedding is something of the past, we all know how that story ends… Why does this bother us so much? It’s basic biology! With poor eyesight at night, humans are creatures of the day. The thought of being left in the dark is daunting, no matter how well in advance your neighbourhood watch group sends you the latest load shedding update.
Candlelight Dinners…
While some take advantage of the power outages, like the local pizzeria or your teenager “not being able to study for the final exams by candlelight”, many businesses suffer from the loss of income. With the government enforcing social restrictions for the past year and a half due to the pandemic, every minute of being open is essential to many business’ survival. And let’s not start on what it costs in fuel to run a generator!
South Africans have been opting for a more sustainable source of electricity lately. Because let’s face it, toddler-moms, how will you ever finish cooking that dinner on the gas stove without your trusty digital friend, Cocomelon? And although a romantic thought, neither your family’s, nor your bank account’s health will survive the regular take outs that Eskom’s lack of electricity supply forces upon us.
‘Sun’ of a gun!
Solar energy is no longer a novelty only for environmentalists, or conspiracy theorists wanting to get off the grid. At least half of South Africa’s population has looked into the affordability of a solar energy system to power up their household or place of business. The constraint however, is exactly that; affordability. Although more cost-effective in the long run, the initial equipment costs and installation fees of a solar system are too high for an average household or even small business owner to invest in. The result is that we continue to complain about the ever increasing electricity bill. And we comment with angry emoji’s every time Eskom surprises us with yet another load shedding announcement.
The silver lining
Luckily it is not all doom and gloom. SunHire brings you a ray of sunshine with the brand new concept of rent to own your solar system solution. This means that solar energy for your home or small business is so affordable that you will actually save money on your electricity bill on a monthly basis! Adding to your pocket is only one of the benefits of renting to own your solar system.
Advantages of this unique solar system renting to own solution:
There are no initial start-up costs of solar system.
Our research shows that you can save up to 90% of your electricity bill by switching to solar.
Selling your house? Great! Not only is the solution transferable from one property owner to the next, it will add value to you home, without having to dish up the initial cost.
Is your family expanding quicker than you bargained for? No problem, upgrade your current solution at any time and we will add it into your existing agreement!
Another curse word for South African business owners is TAX. If you’re also not a fan, we’ve got good news; this rental solution on solar system is VAT claimable!
Save your business’ cash flow for the important things. Why invest a large amount of capital when you can pay monthly for it and deduct it as a company expense?
Lighten up your day with SunHire
There really isn’t a dark side to this innovative solar energy solution. So there is no need for you to be stuck in the dark ages either. Shed the load on your electricity bill and kiss, or rather, wave (social distance, please!) load shedding goodbye forever!
View SunHire’s easy to understand guide here to see how we can lighten up your life! 09:57:402021-12-06 10:10:43Shed the load on your electricity bill
Amongst all the compelling reasons why solar is a good alternative for power generation, we believe the three most compelling reasons for any South African today are:
Most areas in South Africa average more than 2 500 hours of sunshine per year, and average solar-radiation levels range between 4.5 and 6.5kWh/m2 in one day.
Unreliable national grid.
Environmentally friendly – there are no emissions.
Why is solar not better utilised in South Africa?
With so many reasons to embrace solar, the uptake in South Africa has been incredibly slow and we believe this is due to the upfront costs of installation, because once installed, the savings are huge.
At Sunhire, we believe in seeking ways to constantly improve our lives in the most sustainable way. By harnessing the power of the sun, we are making less negative impact on the planet while keeping our homes and offices powered, for less.
Not only will a solar installation be more cost effective in the long run, it will also add value to your property as future buyers will certainly be looking for properties that are off the grid or at least less grid dependant.
What is the best way to start making use of solar power?
If you are keen to go solar, but feel that the initial costs are prohibitive, we have the solution for you.
By renting your solar installation, you get to enjoy the benefits of solar without having to make a large upfront payment. In addition, our approved installers deploy off-site monitoring for the duration of your rental to ensure the equipment is performing optimally. Included is annual maintenance and inspection to ensure your solution is performing optimally. 08:22:562021-07-05 08:22:56Is solar a good alternative for power generation?
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